(Yes, That's Magneto in a dress and yes it cannon)
personally i could not picture this pairring because the nerd that i am is more then aware of the comic book image of Prof. X and Magneto, which is namely old, though magneto in the recent comics is rather hot for an old guy.
personally i could not picture this pairring because the nerd that i am is more then aware of the comic book image of Prof. X and Magneto, which is namely old, though magneto in the recent comics is rather hot for an old guy.
(Now imagine this and add the muscles in his skin tight costume)
the movie itself story wise was heart breaking for a comic book nerd such as myself noting a lot of discrepancies in the continuity which i would not even bother going into anymore. a movie's a movie and X-Men first class had unsuspectingly, at least to me, slipped in some HoYay while they were at it which is just plain great.
the movie itself story wise was heart breaking for a comic book nerd such as myself noting a lot of discrepancies in the continuity which i would not even bother going into anymore. a movie's a movie and X-Men first class had unsuspectingly, at least to me, slipped in some HoYay while they were at it which is just plain great.
(the way my friends and shippers see them as)